Insiten is pleased to announce the launch of its new DevOps team, which focuses on automation, process improvement, and monitoring throughout the company’s software development cycle (SDLC). The DevOps team works hand-in-hand with Insiten’s Agile software development team, enabling them with tools and best practices for delivering high quality, dependable code.
“Dev Ops is a methodology that we are implementing at all stages of the SDLC,“ says DevOps Team Lead Jason Campbell. “DevOps creates a collaborative Culture open to sharing and tackling challenges together; develops processes and efficiencies that align with business goals while taking into account the needs of all teams; Automates as many processes as possible to free up time and create reliability in software development and deployment; tracks those processes and Measures their efficiency, continually Sharing that knowledge across teams. That’s what’s known as the CAMS (Culture, Automation, Measurement, Sharing) philosophy of DevOps.”
According to Insiten CEO Adam Trien, “Our dedicated DevOps team has already yielded tremendous results. We are able to innovate faster, build better products, and meet the swiftly evolving needs of our clients. DevOps solutions provide improved support for Quality Assurance and User Acceptance testing, continuous integration/deployment of code, and streamlined processes for bug fixes and patches. And by eliminating manual, time-intensive activities through automation and process improvements we are able to deliver solutions with greater speed, flexibility and efficiency.”
To learn more about how Insiten’s DevOps team is transforming the way we build, test, deploy and maintain business solutions, contact us at: