Original Article: https://www.waynepost.com/news/20200803/brighton-native-launches-tech-app
Posted Aug 3, 2020 at 5:09 PM
Wayne Post
Brighton native launches tech app
A new app launched by Insiten.com, an Atlanta-based tech company co-founded by Brighton native and CEO Adam Trien, recently developed TackleBox to help develop PowerPoint presentations from multiple, constantly changing Excel files.
TackleBox automatically scans existing Excel files to detect charts, ranges and tables. This content is injected into PowerPoint presentations and can be refreshed, ensuring analysis and presentations are in sync.
“It’s like putting your PowerPoint presentations on autopilot,” said Trien, who graduated from Brighton High School. “Our team developed the app in response to client complaints about the tedious, time-consuming effort of constantly copying and pasting between Excel and PowerPoint. Not only does TackleBox save time, it provides full control, with alerts when new Excel analysis becomes available and by allowing you to preview and confirm changes.“
The cloud-based app provides file organization, comment threads and notification alerts to enable collaboration for remote teams.
pivot to a work-from-home model in response to COVID-19,” Trien said.
TackleBox was beta-tested to a wide audience during its final months of development, from financial analysts to CEOs. It works directly with existing Microsoft Office 365 files and folders, so there is nothing to download or install.
Visit tacklebox.app or insiten.com for information.